+61 2 9745 6820
Mon - Fri 09:00AM - 5:30PM

Business Advisory and Consulting

Over 60% of small businesses in Australia close within the first three years. In T A Khoury & Co, we believe that failing to plan is planning to fail, the keys to run a successful small business in the ever changing environment are strategic planning and effective management.

We assist business develop their vision and strategies for both the short and long term. We understand that a lot of blood, sweat and tears go into running a small business, and we dedicate to offer you advisory service to add value to your business.

The business advisory and consulting service we provided include:

  • Strategic business planning, including Taxation planning growth initiatives, asset protection, initiative implementation and restructuring and proactive strategies
  • Business development solutions
  • Business formation and registration
  • ABN and TFN application for all kinds of business
  • Buying and selling business consulting

Are you looking for someone to help?

Let us help you! Call Now : (02) 9745 6820

·  Mon – Fri 09:00-17:30